Program description
In an increasingly interconnected world, global health challenges can only be met when scientific collaborations also cross borders. In the translational health sciences internship program in Buenos Aires, students from Georgetown University College work as a team with the center's researchers and doctors to study the respiratory syncytial virus from a basic science perspective with laboratory activities and the clinical effects of this and other respiratory viruses with in-person activities in CABA health centers. This combination of classroom, laboratory, and hospital experiences reveals to students the ways in which scientific knowledge travels "from the laboratory bench to the patient's bedside": how discoveries made at the molecular level in the laboratory can be applied to treatment decisions in the clinical setting.
Program Director: Prof. Pablo Irusta (Associate Professor & Chair, Department of Human Science; Associate Dean, School of Health, Georgetown University).
Scientific director in Argentina: Dr. Mauricio Caballero, Scientific Director of CIMeT.