
  • Promoting and carrying out research programmes in the field of hermeneutical philosophy.
  • Coordinating the continuous reading circle based of works and writings on classical and contemporary hermeneutics.
  • Offering undergraduate and graduate courses and seminars, as well as conferences and discussion sessions, in the specific field of hermeneutical philosophy.
  • Promoting the interdisciplinary dialogue around theoretical and practical problems, which discover within the field of “human comprehending” common roots to academically differentiated knowledge and to that effect, to favour the link with different academic areas of the university.
  • Studying - in a context of dialogue with its own experience- the processes of meaning appropriation written in the different field of human praxis, like the privileged case of the arts, among others.
  • Coordinating a study circle around the problems inherent to translation as a specific session of a theory of comprehending.
  • Establishing the centre as the node of an international network of hermeneutics studies.
  • Translating and publishing works related to the study and research topics of the centre.