
International Workshop - Related bibliography

In recent years, there has been the gradual arrival in Latin America of a series of automated decision-making systems based on AI that were presented as instruments that provided an objective measurement element based on empirical evidence and scientific knowledge, for planning of effective interventions aimed at administering justice, reducing crime and contributing to public safety. Simultaneously, from expert studies on AI, there have been a series of warnings linked to its uncritical use; pointing out, for example, the problems of algorithmic biases and their intrinsic opacity. This panel will bring together presentations regarding the uses of AI in these fields, its scope, challenges and limitations.

Related bibliography

Ojeda, N. y Lombraña, A. (2024) Sistemas automatizados para la toma de decisiones en la política penitenciaria argentina. Un estudio exploratorio sobre su introducción en el Servicio Penitenciario Federal

Lombraña, A., Di Próspero, C. y Ojeda, N. (2024) Lombraña, A., Di Próspero, C. y Ojeda, N. (2024) The Prisons of Democracy: Experiences from Prison Management in Contemporary Argentina

Estévez, E. (2022) Desafíos Actuales de Inteligencia en América Latina: Legados, Democratización, Prioridades y Dimensiones Estratégica y Criminal

Estévez, E. (2008) Public Security and Police Reform in the Province of Buenos Aires: Balancing Preventive and Investigative Police

Considering that there are very significant gaps in the connection, adoption and development of women in technology applied to public policy, this panel aims to reflect on specific cases and local experiences from a feminist and human rights perspective, not only on what biases are reproduced and are part of the AI algorithms, but rather what data is considered so that these algorithms can be applied. Some questions to be addressed in this regard are: what is the relationship between datafication and gender? What new critical interpretations of the datafication process are emerging? How do platforms shape discourses or determine decisions that affect women? What new narratives can inspire the rise of fairer technological systems and algorithms? What possibilities can digital technology offer for equality?

Related bibliography

Sanchez Malcolm, M. (2023) Reflexiones sobre la perspectiva de género en Inteligencia Artificial

Robert, V. & Yoguel, G. (2022) Exploration of trending concepts in innovation policy

ONU Mujeres (2020) Informe: Las mujeres en ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas en América Latina y el Caribe

Vaeza, M.N. (2023) Revolucion digital una encrucijada para los derechos de mujeres y niñas

Radi, B.; Elichiry, M. (2022) Recomendaciones para evitar el cisexismo y la patologización trans en SNOMED CT

ARPHAI (2023) Un proyecto de IA presentado por el CIECTI y ARPHAI fue seleccionado en la convocatoria del CLIAS

Feldfeber, I.; Quiroga Y. y Guevara, C. (2023) Feminismos en Inteligencia Artificial. Herramientas de Automatización hacia una Reforma Judicial Feminista en Argentina y México

The changes resulting from the emergence of digitalisation in everyday life are key to understanding the environment that surrounds us: there is no social practice that can be analysed today outside of its links with new technologies. From this perspective, what can the social sciences contribute to studies on artificial intelligence?
The use of AI requires the development of new digital skills linked to the way of asking questions (prompting) or the way of interacting with it. This panel will include local research experiences related to access to public information contained in large databases, the collection of public data on social networks and the use of algorithms to make comparisons based on data mining or the construction of interactive visualisations.

Related bibliography

Gendler , M. (2024). Datificación Social e Inteligencia Artificial: ¿hacia un nuevo “salto de escala”?. Resonancias. Revista De Filosofía, (17), 121–141.

Gendler, M. & Girolimo, U. (2023). Habilidades tecnosociales y empleo en el capitalismo informacional. Un análisis situado en el territorio de JOSÉ C. PAZ (Buenos Aires).

Gendler, M. & Girolimo, U. (2023b). El futuro es hoy.

Daza Prado, D. & Di Próspero, C. (2024). Las etnografías de lo digital: otras formas de estar allí

Peirone, F. (2024) Hoy la Inteligencia Artificial es un significante vacío

Our daily lives are related to emerging technologies and the instruments we use are integrated into us, many of them, with the ability to interpret, decide and solve problems autonomously based on the signals they receive. It is then worth reflecting on the ethical consequences and impacts of the implementation of generative AI in different occupations, tasks and industries, evaluating the associated risks, analyzing good practices in their use and the perceptions of the actors in relation to those or others risks, to make public policy decisions based on evidence. This panel includes initiatives and experiences that contribute to a deep analytical view regarding the uses of AI, both at the individual or subjectivity level, as well as at the systemic, sociotechnical or so-called infra-ethical level.

Related bibliography

Tagnin, Julián (2024) No tan humanos. Acerca de la antropomorfización de los Agentes No Humanos de Comunicación

Digilio, P. (2020) Biotecnologia, desarrollo y neoliberalismo
