Flora Laszlo

Programa de pertenencia
We aim to develop a new higher education project in Vienna - CEU Prison Education Program. In line with CEU’s mission, the project would contribute to a more open society through socially and morally responsible intellectual inquiry and self-critical thinking. The University-Prison Partnerships Program aims to provide free educational access to inmates, engage CEU faculty and researchers in civic engagement and strengthen CEU’s partnerships and presence in Austria. Our goal is to conduct a pilot program in 2023, at the Simmering correctional facility with 10-15 inmates, taught by 3 faculty and 2 PhD students. Expected Outcome/Impact of the program: • CEU will establish its new flagship civic engagement program aimed at widening access to university education, in line with CEU’s open society values. • CEU will strengthen its presence and partnerships in Austria with the Federal Ministry of Justice, civil society organizations working on rehabilitation of inmates and potential other university stakeholders. • Inmates will receive courses at an academic level, in the spirit of critical thinking and open society. • Increased employment opportunities among inmates. • Provide positive opportunities and vision for inmates serving long sentences. • Establish a sense of community among inmates while incarcerated. • Establish a sense of community among CEU community members contributing to the program. • Increased opportunity for CEU Faculty and Researchers to develop interdisciplinary research opportunities on themes of prison ethnography and prison studies more. Key project components: • Academic workshops, interactive and participatory lectures offered by university professors and doctoral students. • University-level liberal arts programs offered on topics like humanities and social sciences We believe this program can on the long-term result in the creation of an accredited BA program, where inmates can receive their diplomas from CEU within the walls of the prison.
I joined Central European University (CEU) in 2015 as Civic Engagement Officer with the goal of setting up the Civic Engagement Office and strengthening social responsibility and civic engagement at the university. In my current role, as Director of the Community Engagement Office, I'm responsible for civic engagement, arts and culture, human rights, student leadership and public outreach activities. I'm currently leader of Civica WP7 for outreach and society and I'm also member of the OSUN Civic engagement Steering Commitee. Prior to my time at CEU I acted as CEO of the Hungarian NGO Uccu Roma Informal Educational Foundation for eight years. I had a crucial role in establishing the organization in 2009. I remain in the Board, after handing over the leadership. I have a sociology MA, received at university ELTE, Budapest, Hungary. I benefited from fellowships from Université, Paris VIII, Sorbonne and University of Stirling, Scotland.